Tag Archives: Bin Weevils

Hello Bin Weevils! My name is judisue … An introductory post for other WordPress Bin Weevils blogs.

Hello Bin Weevils!

My name is judisue.  Some of you may know me from my own blog – Weevily World, which I started writing at the beginning of 2012.  I have been lucky enough to enjoy some moderate success with Weevily World and for this reason, I have recently started taking on new authors and contributors.  In return, I have been asked to write for some other WordPress Bin Weevils blogs too.

This post is simply to introduce myself to you all and was formerly posted on dramaqueen 180 binweevils help guide, Bin Master Cheats and Bin Weevils United.  It has also been posted on Weevily World.

Today I am posting this on the other Bin Weevils blogs, who have been kind enough to send me author invites and you may see this post on Bin Weevil Clan, Bin Weevils Gossip, Bin Weevils Mania, Binweevils Bloggers, Binweevils Fans, Binweevils Ultimate Cheats, Binweevils Blog2013, DON003 Site Cheats, Kieran6955 BW Help Guide, Mulch Mayhem, The Weevily Gang Blog2, Tycoon News, WeevilOMania, Weevily Stars, Weevily Xtra Cheat Site and Xtra – World!

Weevily WOW!!!  That’s a lot of Bin Weevils blogs!

I was searching Hem’s Hats for nearly a year before I managed to buy this rare Rainbow Top Hat!

The Bin Weevil judisue was created for me by my God-daughter, owner of the Bin Weevil discowboy, on 15th June 2011.  Two months later I bought a Bin Tycoon membership and managed to get judisue up to level 60 within three months.  When the new levels 61 – 65 became available, judisue leveled up from 60 – 65 straight away!

As Bin Weevil judisue, I most enjoy creating new nest rooms, taking care of my bin garden, playing with my Bin Pet – meg and buying new hats!

You can view lots of nest rooms that I have created for judisue, and for my other Weevily World blog weevils, on Weevily World Nest Rooms, which is hosted by Weebly.  If you would like to look at the Facebook page for Bin Weevil judisue, please click here and if you would like to view the twitter profile for judisue_weevil, please click here.

One of the best things about having added new authors to Weevily World, is that I now have more free time, to get back to enjoying my favourite Bin Weevils activities – like creating this sports themed nest room:

Weevily World puzzle expert tootles, knows a healthy mind requires a healthy body!

As a Bin Weevils blogger, I aim to keep my Weevily World blog viewers up-to-date with all the latest Bin Weevils news.  I strive to provide interesting and informative Bin Weevils content, from my authors and of my own.  Additionally, via my regular Weevily World re-blogs and credited re-posts, I like to showcase the work of other WordPress Bin Weevils bloggers, who write their own blogs in a responsible, credible and ethical manner.  I am particularly proud to have been responsible for the creation of the phrase “Please like, share and re-blog this post.” which has helped encourage many bloggers to re-blog rather than copy and can be seen on several other blogs, besides Weevily World.

I look forward to working with all the authors, on all of the blogs, that have been kind enough to invite me to write for them and hope I will see lots of new blog viewers on Weevily World too!

Best wishes to you all from

judisue xxx

PS. Fancy a look at Weevily World?  Please click here!

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Note:  If this post has been published on your blog but you don’t want me to post further content, please remove me and this post, from your blog.

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DRAMAQUEEN180s Birthday Party

Well it’s that time already – DRAMAQUEEN180s weevil is ready to celebrate one year since been created!!

Meeting Place Riggs.

It seems so much longer, as I have made many good friends during this time and reached the ultimate level 65!

To celebrate this event, I would like to invite all bloggers, followers and viewers to mark the occasion!

There will be a few surprises as in a surprise nest room to mark the occasion, a well planned plaza and I will be awarding prizes for some party games and competitions that will be taking place!

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Preview On Bin Weevil toys!

This Post was posted on Bin Weevil Clan first!

Bin Weevil Clan has been surfing the web when we came across these images on a toy website. The Images are of Bin Weevil toys! Which will be on the Market soon! Here is what the website quotes “Top UK toy developers Character Options are the master toy licensee for Bin Weevils toys. Character’s awesome Bin Weevils figures and toys launch in Autumn 2012.”and some more info: Bin Weevils toys will include collectable figures in blind bags, plush soft Bin Weevils toys and Bin Weevils playsets based on the ‘Binscape’ world. Each Bin Weevils toy will have a secret code to unlock items or win Mulch on the site.

The Website also has some news on Bin Bots “The smaller Bin Weevil Character Figures are sold in blind bags containing one Weevil Bin Bot figure and collector’s leaflet. There are 12 Binbots in the first assortment. Look out for the rare golden binbot ticket which has a code to enter online to become a mulch millionaire. The bronze and silver binbots also unlock exclusive online content”

Here is an Image of the Bin Bots:

So will you be the lucky one to be a Mulch Millionaire! 

Larger Weevils figures come in dome-shaped blister packs with online codes to redeem. Collect all the Weevils toys such as Gam, Tink, Clott, Bunty and Dosh. Build interconnecting Bin Weevils playsets like Castle Gam, Dosh’s Palace or Mulch Island. Character’s hero toy is likely to be theDeluxe Bin Nest Playset. The Deluxe Nest Playset features slides and a trampoline.

Here are the toys, The deluxe Nest playset looks really cool! I like the Plush Toys to! Here is some info on the Bin Weevil Plush Toys:

In plush, there are three lines of Bin Weevils toys. The larger talking Bin Weevil plush figures, smaller plush Weevils and the plush keyring Bin Weevils. The 12″ talking Bin Weevils will include Clot, Tink and Bunty.

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