Wow this blog is truly amazing I would DEFINITELY recommend this to all website creators/ blogers.
Congrats to wengie2 for making such a good website I bet you will get 1,000 views in 2 mins !

Tyana2005 and DRAMA's Gang

A new Bin Weevils Blog worth a visit is   binweevils designer where the authors create edited pictures, design headers and lots more for people!



Here is an example of some of the work produced by emeeceey – a bin buddy found in Grime!


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About thedoctor999

My name is : Thedoctor999, owner of Universal Edits wishing to share my bin-knowledge with all you new weevilers and experienced ones too. I'm also a very experienced bin-editor and I often get good feedback from my editing skills if you would like an edit from me go to this bin-tastic site I'm usually found in Grime and I'm usually at my nest or at Flums fountain. So, keep an eye out for me in the Bin Scape, you might even be featured in one of my posts! Bye!

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